A Record Pancake Breakfast
What a great day for a fly-in pancake breakfast! On Sunday, May 18, we fed just over 500 guests and even though we lost count, we estimate around 75 airplanes that flew in from around the region to enjoy the great flying weather and community at Brodhead Airport.
UW MedFlight made a dramatic, yet short appearance. After landing at 9:00 a.m. and setting up for display, a big crowd assembled and marveled at the awesome machine and it’s crew. But at 9:15, duty called and the crew was dispatched for an emergency call somewhere and the flew off with a rush and a lot of noise. Pretty cool.
The Young Eagles rally flew 24 kids and a few parents.
Check out the photo gallery from the day HERE.
Chapter 431 would like to extend a big thank you to everybody who came out from Brodhead and the surrounding area, the pilots who flew in, the MedFlight crew, the Young Eagles volunteer pilots and all the volunteers who spent the weekend making this event a big success.