Training Exercise to be Held at Brodhead Airport
The following news release was distributed to local area media this week concerning a large scale Emergency Management exercise to be held at Brodhead Airport on Wednesday, June 29. Local pilots should be aware of possible runway closures and Fire/EMS equipment on the runways.
June 17, 2016
On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 a training exercise will be conducted at the Brodhead Airport and just outside of the city on the North West side. Twenty two emergency response agencies have been invited to participate along with Brodhead Fire, EMS and the Police Department during this exercise. Approximately 125 people will be participating in this exercise. Other volunteers will also be participating as role players as injured victims and they will have special makeup, called moulage applied to look as though they have been severely injured. Residents in these areas may notice increased traffic and response vehicles coming and going.
Tanna McKeon, director of the Green County Emergency Management office received Homeland Security Grants to provide a series of exercises that tested the plans and coordination of multiple agencies responding to a large emergency involving dozens of injured person’s. The prior exercises were classroom based and the full scale exercise is a hands on exercise in which first responders will use their emergency equipment and perform as if they were in an actual situation. The core capabilities that will be tested are Incident Command, communications, mass search and rescue, medical services and public information.
Our first responders are very well trained to respond to daily, small incidents. Large incidents may not happen often but when they do we need to ensure that everyone knows their roles and how to correctly handle larger, more complex situations. Full scale exercises are very valuable to expose us to these situations and identify further training or resources that may be needed.
We are very appreciative of Tanna McKeon of Green County Emergency Management, Kevin Wernet of WI Emergency Management, Brodhead Fire District, Brodhead Area EMS, and Brodhead Police Department for undertaking this series of training exercises. Their commitment, as well as the participating agencies, should be commended for their increased efforts ensuring safety and wellbeing of their communities.
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